
In this section is described the recipe specification and all the components that affects its behaviour.


The script section consists of a list of shell instructions. Those instructions will be executed using bash. It could be used to compile your application and deploy its binaries to the AppDir.

Default variables

The following variables are set by appimage-builder in the script runtime:

  • RECIPE: recipe location
  • BUILD_DIR: build cache dir
  • SOURCE_DIR: recipe location dir
  • TARGET_APPDIR: target AppDir location
  • BUILDER_ENV: exported environment variables file

Exported variables

To pass environment variables between scripts you need to write them to the file pointed by BUILDER_ENV as follows:


Script Example

Clone, build and deploy a cmake application.

  - cd "$BUILD_DIR"
  - git clone awesome-app
  - cd awesome-app
  - cmake .
  - make DESTDIR="$TARGET_APPDIR" install


The AppDir section is the heart of the recipe. It will contain information about the software being packed, its dependencies, the runtime configuration, and the tests.

The execution order is as follows:

  • bundle dependencies
  • configure runtime
  • run tests

Section scripts

It’s possible to insert scripts before and after the bundle and runtime steps. Those can be used to perform additional tweaks to the AppDir before proceeding with the tests.

The allowed keys are:

  • before_bundle
  • after_bundle
  • before_runtime
  • after_runtime

This is an example of how to use the after bundle to patch a configuration file.

  after_bundle: |
    echo "source /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg" | tee "$TARGET_APPDIR/etc/timidity/timidity.cfg"


  • id: application id. Is a mandatory field and must match the application desktop entry name without the .desktop extensions. It’s recommended to used reverse domain notation like
  • name: Application name.
  • icon: Application icon name.
  • version: application version.
  • exec: path to the application binary. In the case of interpreted programming languages such as Java, Python or QML, it should point to the interpreter binary.
  • exec_args: arguments to be passed when starting the application. You can make use of environment variables such as $APPDIR to refer to the bundle root and/or $@ to pass arguments to the binary.

Example app_info block for a qmlscene application:

  id: org.apppimagecrafters.hello_qml
  name: Hello QML
  icon: text-x-qml
  version: 1.0
  exec: usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmlscene
  exec_args: $@ ${APPDIR}/main.qml


Use the apt-get tool to deploy packages to your AppDir. Packages will be deployed allong with their dependencies. Include all the packages that your application will require at runtime with the exception of those providing drivers or other hardware specific code.

  • arch: Binaries architecture. Multi-arch setups are allowed.

  • sources: apt sources to be used to retrieve the packages.

    • sourceline: apt configuration source line. It’s recommended to include the Debian architecture on it to speed up builds.
    • key_url: apt key to validate the packages in the repository. An URL to the actual key is expected.
  • include: List of packages to be included in the bundle. Package dependencies will also be bundled.

  • exclude: List of packages to not bundle. Use it to exclude packages that aren’t required by the application.

 arch: [ i386 ]
   - sourceline: 'deb [arch=i386] bionic main restricted universe multiverse'
     key_url: ''

   - qmlscene
   - qml-module-qtquick2
   - qtchooser


Use pacman to deploy packages to your AppDir. It uses the pacman configuration from the host system by default but can be modified using the following keys:

  • Architecture: (Optional) define the architecture to be used by pacman
  • repositories: (Optional) define additional repositories
  • include: (Required) define packages to be deployed into the AppDir
  • exclude: (Optional) define packages to be excluded from deploying
  • options: (Optional) define additional options to be set in the pacman.conf


  Architecture: x86_64
    - bash
    - perl
    # don't check package signatures
    SigLevel: "Optional TrustAll"


The files section is used to manipulate (include/exclude) files directly. It’s executed after the apt or pacman deploy methods. Globing expressions can be used to match multiple files at once.

  • include: List of absolute paths to files. The file will be copied under the same name inside the AppDir. i.e.: /usr/bin/xrandr will end at $APPDIR/usr/bin/xrandr.
  • exclude: List of relative globing shell expressions to the files that will not be included in the AppDir. Expressions will be evaluated relative to the AppDir. Use it to exclude unneeded files such as man pages or development resources.
    - usr/share/man
    - usr/share/doc/*/README.*
    - usr/share/doc/*/changelog.*
    - usr/share/doc/*/NEWS.*
    - usr/share/doc/*/TODO.*


Configure the application runtime environment, and path mappings.

  • env: Environment variables to be set at runtime.

  • path_mappings

    Setup path mappings to workaround binaries containing fixed paths. The mapping is performed at runtime by intercepting every system call that contains a file path and patching it. Environment variables are supported as part of the file path.

    Paths are specified as follows: <source>:<target>

    Use the $APPDIR environment variable to specify paths relative to it.

  • arch: Explicitly define which architectures to be supported

  • version: Explicitly define the runtime version to be used

  • preserve: List of relative globing shell expressions to the files/folders that should not be modified by the AppImage generation process.

Example runtime section:

    arch: [ x86_64, i386 ]
    version: continuous
      PYTHONHOME: '${APPDIR}/usr'
        - /bin/bash:$APPDIR/bin/bash


The test section is used to describe test cases for your final AppImage. The AppDir as it’s can be already executed. Therefore it can be placed inside a Docker container and executed. This section eases the process. Notice that you will have to test that the application is properly bundled and isolated, therefore it’s recommended to use minimal Docker images (i.e.: with no desktop environment installed).

IMPORTANT: Docker is required to be installed and running to execute the tests. Also the current use must have permissions to use it.

Each test case has a name, which could be any alphanumeric string and the following parameters:

  • image: Docker image to be used.
  • before_command: run some test setup instructions here.
  • command: command to execute.
  • env: dict of environment variables to be passed to the Docker container.
    image: fedora:26
    before_command: [ -f main.qml ]
    command: "./AppRun main.qml"
    image: ubuntu:xenial
    command: "./AppRun main.qml"


The AppImage section refers to the final bundle creation.

  • arch: AppImage runtime architecture. Usually, it should match the embed binaries architecture, but a different —compatible one— could be used. For example, i386 binaries can be used in an AMD64 architecture.
  • update-information: AppImage update information. See Making AppImages updateable.
  • sign-key: The key to sign the AppImage. See Signing AppImage.
  • file_name: Use it to rename your final AppImage. By default it will be named as follows: <>-<AppDir.app_info.version>-<AppImage.arch>.AppImage

Environment variables

Environment variables can be placed anywhere in the configuration file using the following notation: {{VAR_NAME}}.

    version: {{APP_VERSION}}
    exec: 'lib/{{GNU_ARCH_TRIPLET}}/qt5/bin/qmlscene'
  arch: '{{TARGET_ARCH}}'
  file_name: 'myapp-{{APP_VERSION}}_{{TIMESTAMP}}-{{ARCH}}.AppImage'